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A voyage like this cannot be brought down to a mere collection of statistics, but nevertheless some data can be useful to those who plan a similar voyage.

We sailed a total of about 28,000 miles over a period of 630 days, corresponding to a "gross" average of 44 miles/day or, more to the point, 1,300 miles per month; this is not too different from what we achieved during previous cruises, and is a rather low figure anyway.   Our average cruising mileage has been 125 miles/day (corresponding to 5 knots average speed), not very high but higher than in previous cruises with the same boat.   Our maximum mileage over the 24 hours has been slightly less than 150 miles on just a couple of occasions, while the worst was 18 miles near the Galapagos islands; in both cases strong currents played a significant role!

The two long ocean-passages, from Canary islands to Antigua and from the Galapagos to the Marquesas, both 3,100 miles long, were both completed in 26 days, for an average of about 120 miles/day; we definitely did not break any record.    It must be noted that the faster yachts in the Rally fleet often recorded daily averages in excess of 200 miles, a performance that just back in the '70s would have been a world record!

In total we sailed 200 "full" days (i.e. 24 hours) and about 60 days day-sailing, consequently we stopped in one of the nearly 100 places we visited for a total of 370 days.

We ran the engine for 2,400 hours and motored for a total of 12,000 miles (about 43% of the total): a lot, but actually less than our average summer cruise in the Mediterranean!     In average we ran the engine 1 hour/day for battery charging, and additional 7 hours/day when under way.
We used 6,000 liters of fuel, corresponding to 2.5 liters/hour or 2 miles/liter.
Every 200 hours we dutifully replaced engine oil, fuel and oil filters and inverter oil, you do the calculations!

When we left, our fuel reserves were a total of 380 liters, of which 180 in the main tank and 100 in jerrycans, giving a motoring range of about 5-600 miles, as recommended by the Rally.   At the end of the voyage, we had extended the jerrycans to 300 liters, bringing the total to 480 and the range to nearly 1,000 miles, and that was barely enough on a couple of occasions!

Water: our consumption of general-purpose water (coming from the tank and mostly produced by the watermaker) has been 30 liters/day, for a total of 18,000 liters (imagine refilling the tank with jerrycans!   Thank Heavens for the watermaker!).
On top of that, we used about 2,500 liters of bottled water (4 liters/day) for drinking and cooking, besided an unaccounted quantity of soft drinks, beer and wine (probably about 2 liters per person/day).



Webmaster: Gianfranco Balducci - email: gfbalduc@tin.it

Last Update: 11/11/2014

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