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 Worth it?





Our initial project was another one: buying a not-too-expensive boat, around 10 meters long to keep ownership costs within manageable limits, and with that perform extended cruises in the Mediterranean or perhaps a bit further, if ourselves and the boat will prove to be up to it.   The idea was to spend around 30,000 Euros for the purchase of the boat, and a total of maximum 40/50,000 after the inevitable repairs or upgrades.

Then, we saw this boat, and despite the rather deplorable condition and the high price, we fell for the idea of building a smaller-scale version of our old Shaula3 for a fraction of the price, and with that maybe tackle some more ambitious voyage.

And this was the start of our problems, because the boat's condition turned out to be even worse that initially evaluated: all, but really all systems to be rebuilt completely (electrical circuits, electronics, water and gas systems), engine to be refurbished, bent propshaft, ancient rigging in need of a replacement, running rigging in poor condition, deck equipment to be revised (obsolete and dangerous stoppers, worn-out winches, rusty anchor and chain), all security equipment missing, urgent paint-job over- and under-deck, the list was never-ending!!

Before-and-after: the hull

it took us two months of hard work to polish the topsides and scrape off the old anti-fouling paint!



Before-and-after: the interior

Besides the chaos, we found the interior in a state of disrepair, with wooden parts in bad need of a repaint and several very questionable modification (e.g. the fresh-water system) to be revised



Before-and-after: the systems

the electrical system and the electronic instruments, mostly obsolete and not working, were particularly pityful and in need of a total remake



Before-and-after: the engine

the engine bay was not much better than the rest: loose wires, an obsolete battery charger, and the engine itself in hard-to-diagnose condition: it turned out we had to have it refurbished by a Nanni service shop.



Before-and-after: the deck

several jobs were needed also on-deck: from peeling paint to worn and obsolete winches, from outdated stoppers to moldy lines, from a 30-years-old rigging to the missing nav-lights!



3 years have gone-by, and finally Shaula4 shines in her berth at the Jesolo Lido Marina

WE BUILT AN OCEAN-GOING YACHT FOR 1/3rd OF THE COST OF SHAULA3, and this is an interesting result; in order to keep expenses within a reasonable limit, we had to perform most jobs ourselves, while making sure to purchase whatever was needed for a proper job (within reason).     We resorted to professionals for the engine overhaul and the standing rigging replacement, as well as to build the sprayhood and bimini.

The end result is not bad, but:

  • 3 years have passed, and we have not finished yet!
    • We have not yet been able to seriously test the boat to have a clear idea of "how far we trust it" (and ourselves!)!
    • We are 3 years older, and we have not even begun to use it properly: years are passing and the useful years in front of us are diminishing quickly!
  • We spent a lot (see page Expense Summary), much more than what we had allocated to this project, with three negative consequences:
    • The total expenditure has been not lower than if we had bought a boat in better condition for an higher price
    • We will never recover the whole expenditure when we will finally sell the boat!
    • We had to erode our reserve funds that would have covered the expenses of our future voyages

In light of all this, we should answer that NO, IT WAS NOT WORTH IT.   We would have been better-off spending maybe a little more for a simpler  boat in better shape, and now we would be merrily cruising around the Mediterranean instead of fighting with that damn screw that doesn't come off the genoa sheet's rail...



Webmaster: Gianfranco Balducci - email: gfbalduc@tin.it

Last Update: 07/09/2017

The Shaula4 website (text and images) by Gianfranco Balducci is licensed under a
 Creative Commons by-nc-nd/3.0/ Attribution - Non commercial - No derivative works 3.0 Unported License